Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - XXII
Letter XXVI I HAVE shown in the previous letters that it is only the æsthetic disposition of the soul that gives birth to liberty, it...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - XXI
Letter XXV WHILST man, in his first physical condition, is only passively affected by the world of sense, he is still entirely...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part XVIII
Letter XXII ACCORDINGLY, if the æsthetic disposition of the mind must be looked upon in one respect as nothing—that is, when we confine...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part XII
Letter XVI FROM the antagonism of the two impulsions, and from the association of two opposite principles, we have seen beauty to result,...
A Defence of Poetry - Part X
The functions of the poetical faculty are twofold: by one it creates new materials of knowledge, and power, and pleasure; by the other it...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part VI
Letter X CONVINCED by my preceding letters, you agree with me on this point, that man can depart from his destination by two opposite...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part I
Letter I BY your permission I lay before you, in a series of letters, the results of my researches upon beauty and art. I am keenly...