Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part IV
Letter VII CAN this effect of harmony be attained by the state? That is not possible, for the state, as at present constituted, has...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part I
Letter I BY your permission I lay before you, in a series of letters, the results of my researches upon beauty and art. I am keenly...
Beauty & Truth
Part Four: Time and Eternity X I DIED for beauty, but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an...
Oration on the Dignity of Man - Part II
Who then will not look with awe upon this our chameleon, or who, at least, will look with greater admiration on any other being? This...
A Defence of Poetry - Part II
Language, color, form, and religious and civil habits of action, are all the instruments and materials of poetry; they may be called...
A Defence of Poetry - Part I
ACCORDING to one mode of regarding those two classes of mental action, which are called reason and imagination, the former may be...