"The Poet" Ralph Waldo Emerson - Part IV
The world being thus put under the mind for verb and noun, the poet is he who can articulate it. For, though life is great, and...

"The Poet" Ralph Waldo Emerson - Part III
The Universe is the externization of the soul. Wherever the life is, that bursts into appearance around it. Our science is sensual, and...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part XXIII (Finale)
Letter XXVII DO not fear for reality and truth. Even if the elevated idea of æsthetic appearance became general, it would not become...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - XXII
Letter XXVI I HAVE shown in the previous letters that it is only the æsthetic disposition of the soul that gives birth to liberty, it...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - XXI
Letter XXV WHILST man, in his first physical condition, is only passively affected by the world of sense, he is still entirely...

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - XIX
Letter XXIII I TAKE up the thread of my researches, which I broke off only to apply the principles I laid down to practical art and the...

Tao Te Ching - Part IX (Finale)
Chapter 75 The people's hunger Is due to the excess of their ruler's taxation So they starve The people's difficulty in being governed...

Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part IX
Letter XIII ON a first survey, nothing appears more opposed than these two impulsions; one having for its object change, the other...

Tao Te Ching - Part III
Chapter 19 End sagacity; abandon knowledge The people benefit a hundred times End benevolence; abandon righteousness The people return...

A Defence of Poetry - Part VIII
The poetry of Dante may be considered as the bridge thrown over the stream of time, which unites the modern and ancient world. The...