"The Poet" by Ralph Waldo Emerson - Part I
A moody child and wildly wise Pursued the game with joyful eyes, Which chose, like meteors, their way, And rived the dark with private...
Tao Te Ching - Part VII
Chapter 57 Govern a country with upright integrity Deploy the military with surprise tactics Take the world with non-interference How...
A Defence of Poetry - Part IX
Undoubtedly the promoters of utility, in this limited sense, have their appointed office in society. They follow the footsteps of poets,...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part VI
Letter X CONVINCED by my preceding letters, you agree with me on this point, that man can depart from his destination by two opposite...
A Defence of Poetry - Part V
But I digress. The connection of scenic exhibitions with the improvement or corruption of the manners of men has been universally...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part IV
Letter VII CAN this effect of harmony be attained by the state? That is not possible, for the state, as at present constituted, has...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part III
Letter VI HAVE I gone too far in this portraiture of our times? I do not anticipate this stricture, but rather another—that I have...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part II
Letter IV THUS much is certain. It is only when a third character, as previously suggested, has preponderance that a revolution in a...
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Part I
Letter I BY your permission I lay before you, in a series of letters, the results of my researches upon beauty and art. I am keenly...
Oration on the Dignity of Man - Part I
Most esteemed Fathers, I have read in the ancient writings of the Arabians that Abdala the Saracen on being asked what, on this stage, so...